Serving the Parkinson’s Community

Fighting Back!

What is Parkinson’s?

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects predominantly the dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. It affects both motor, and non-motor functions, and there is no cure.

Recommended therapies, in conjunction with medical treatments from a doctor, have shown to greatly reduce symptoms and complications of living with PD.

High intensity exercise has proven to slow progression, as well as fight back against common non-motor symptoms.

Why a center focused solely on PD?

Directly addressing the symptoms of PD, while including specific targeted therapies, has proven to slow progression and improve quality of life. Belonging to a community of like-minded and similar experience can go a long way in supporting everyone involved.

We want to not only welcome people with Parkinson’s, but their care partners, family members, and support that are also living with this disease day to day.

What services will be available?

One of our main programs, Rock Steady Boxing, will continue to be our centerpoint for fighting back against the disease. In addition to these high intense boxing inspired fitness classes, we are exploring local partnerships to offer various forms of therapy such as…

Physical - Occupational - Speech - Singing - Dance - Massage - Art - Yoga - Tai Chi - Nutrition - Micrographia

Have specialty training and would like to support the Parkinson’s community?

Please contact Donna Clervi -